Adyaa Engineering


Sensor detecting air and gas bubbles

Maximum plant efficiency with highest process reliability and quality

  • DK value-based detection of air and gas bubbles in liquids (DK >1.5)
  • Media-independent from liquid to viscous
  • Seamless hygienic design (PEEK)
  • Ideal for monitoring of heating and cooling systems, to identify presence of any foreign air in quality assurance and to make sure transport containers are fully empty

Sensor detecting air and gas bubbles Products

Analysis sensor detecting air and gas bubbles

The solution to a long-standing problem

The smart sensing principle of PAD20H/S will identify any air and gas bubbles in the process medium. Furthermore, the sensor also signals whether a closed system is free of them.


Clever and innovative functions:

  • Media-independent, from liquid to viscous for maximum flexibility
  • Individually configurable switching range with optional early warning upon exceeding the defined switching threshold
  • Convenient evaluation of measured and process values with two separately adjustable switching points (IO-Link)
  • Intuitive and fast commissioning by graphical parameterization software
  • Multicolor, particularly resilient process visualization through 360°

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